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BTEE 77th Anniversary Concert

Saturday, September 21, 2024 
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
BTEE Sanctuary
This performance is for ages 8+

Join us as we celebrate Burbank Temple Emanu El's 77th anniversary with a concert fundraiser

"MOSES! A SCHTICK in TIME" is a new musical comedy with music and lyrics by Rhonda Kess (OkayBetterBest) and direction by Mark Schneider (Hamilton, Miss Saigon). Come and enjoy selections from this new broadway bound musical that takes a humours look at a serious point in L.A. history. The story highlights the resilience of the Jews and Latinos of Boyle Heights East L. A. as they face a highway project that threatens the Breed Street shul and a famous neighborhood tamale shop. Moses makes a surprise Earthly return and sets some things in motion. 

Join us for a night of heart and laughter followed by a wine & cheese reception! 

Did you know? 
In the early 20th century, Boyle Heights a neighborhood in East LA, was a center of Jewish, Mexican and Japanese immigrant life. The Boyle Heights Jewish community ended up leaving due to several freeway constructions and banks refusing to provide them with home loans. But fast forward to today, and the community is bound for a resurgence in Jewish life. Thanks to a $14.9 million grant, the Breed Street Shul building is currently undergoing restoration for reuse. 

And Breed Street Shul is not the only synagogue that needs some love and care rennovation: BTEE is still working on raising the funds to fix our roof!  The proceeds from this event will continue to support our "Raise the Roof" fundraiser and help ensure a thriving Jewish community in this part of LA too! 

Please join us for a laugh, a cry, maybe even an extra donation to the temple! Enter your information below to get your tickets and/or purchase an ad that will be featured in the concert program. 

Ticket Information

Reserved Seating

Moses VIP Circle $100
King Solomon $50
Breed Street Synagogue Row $35

General Seating Boyle Heights $25


Proceeds from the performance will be shared by the Temple, celebrating its 77th anniversary to support our "Raise the Roof" fundraiser and help ensure a thriving Jewish community in this part of LA too!

We appreciate your help and support even though you can't attend the event.  For Sponsorship opportunities please scroll below. 


Who can advertise: 
Businesses, organizations, families, community members, clubs, synagogues, doctor, dentist, financial advisor, travel agent, and more.  

What you can advertise
Your business or service, upcoming events, congratulations, anniversaries, founding member memories, activities in Burbank, and more. 

To the families of the Breed Street Shul:
We're excited to note that the Breed Street Shul is currently undergoing rennovations and will be thriving with Jewish life again soon. If you have family members that were part of the Breed Street Shul, let us know so we can help you honor their stories in the concert program.  

For your ad, you may include photos, art, logos, or business cards to this form or print your message below and send with your payment to the address listed below.

For questions, contact Gaby Katz at Please submit ad info/art etc. NO later than 9/14/24.

Full Page 8” x 5˝
Half Page 3.875˝ x 5˝
Business Card / Quarter Page 3.875˝ x 2.375˝

Thank you so much for your donation!  Payment will be captured on the next page. 
Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785