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Promoting Lifelong Learning


Burbank Temple Emanu El offers a lively slate of adult education programs on a variety of Jewish spiritual and cultural renewal themes.

​Upcoming programs and events include:

  •  An ongoing monthly series offering an introduction to the Jewish meditative practice of Mussar and its practical applications to our daily lives 
  •  A quarterly book club for discussion of new and classic works of fiction and non-fiction, often with appearances by the authors
  •  Classes on social justice issues, international Jewish cooking and cuisine, movement, mindfulness and breathwork 
  •  A multi-event series on the meaning and practice of Shabbat for families and individuals
  •  Organized group outings to cultural events of Jewish relevance and interest around Los Angeles

Check out our upcoming events, we hope to see you there.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784